Base 3 Technologies
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Manufacturing Sales Management Software

Pricing Control
CargoTRAC/HOMEBase gives the manufacturer a way to develop multiple product lines. A product line is a collection of pricebook items that are used to quote/price a specific type of product. Example: an Aluminum product line would contain pricebook items specifically oriented to an Aluminum trailer, where as a Steel product line would only contain pricebook items used to build a Steel trailer.
There may be exceptions where a pricebook item can be shared across multiple product lines as necessary.
There are two PRICE BOOKS in CargoTRAC/HOMEBase.
The Corporate price book is maintained and under-girded with bills of material. These items are used to develop the quote/contract for the sale of your product.
The Dealer/Builder/Retailer price book allows the dealer to mark-up corporate price book items and develop a “Retail” quote/contract tailored to any of your Dealers. The dealer also has the ability to mark-up each corporate item with his “Retail” price and add additional “Dealer-Only” price book items as needed.
In addition to Price book items, there is a special item known as an RFQ. This “Request-for-quote” item originates from either your sales front line or a Dealer’s sales office.
This RFQ travels; much like an email; to corporate office to the pricing department for their review. They will respond with a wholesale price to your sales front line where it will be used in the development of a Quote/Contract. When the RFQ originates from the Dealer; once the RFQ is priced and completed; it may be marked up as needed by the Dealer for placement in their Quote/Contract.
Active Inventory systems may be used to interface to CargoTRAC/HOMEBase to load pricing to the bills of material so the product pricing is kept current.